LO STRACOTTO DI MANZO (The “stewed beef”)

(English🇬🇧🇺🇸 translation below)

Lo “Stracotto di Manzo”

Ed eccoci di nuovo qui con voi, per presentarvi la “nostra” ricetta dello “stracotto di manzo”. Un secondo piatto che è comune a molte regioni di Italia, ma che, nella cucina romana e specie d’inverno, è spesso il protagonista nelle nostre tavole. Fragrante, pieno di sapore, aromatico e sostanzioso! Pochi ingredienti, un po’ di pazienza perchè richiede lunga cottura (no scorciatoie con la pentola a pressione, per favore 😊) ma alla fine una grande bontà.

Molte volte nella tradizione culinaria di molti anni fa, sopra una base di pasta condita con il suo sugo, costituiva il piatto unico e centrale della domenica sulle tavole di molte famiglie italiane. Ed il giorno dopo, se avanzava, riscaldato in padella, era… ancora più buono!

Ve la presentiamo qui, nella esecuzione, ma anche nella creatività, dello chef ed amico Marco Palmieri. Che sempre ringraziamo per essere stato al nostro fianco in questa serie dedicata al cibo della nostra città.

Chef selection – MAIN COURSE PACKAGE
€450 € 300

* 3 weeks intensive online course OR
* 12 weeks part time online course OR
* 2 weeks intensive course in Italy

This package will make you save up to 150€ and it will make your partner, your parents or your sons very happy.
Moreover the enrollment fee is discounted (from € 70) to € 30

Because they deserve it



Pea & Mint Soup


Server with focaccia bread

Beef Meatballs


In a spicy tomato sauce

Hummus & Baba Ganoush Dip


Olive & grilled flatbread


Dark Chocolate & Brownie Delice


Fudge bits & salted caramel ice cream


Berry Cheesecake Trifle


Fresh raspberries & strawberries, sable cookie

Caramelised Lemon Tart


Meringue crisps, gin & tonic ice cream

Main Course

The Classic Burger


Chargrilled, with or without bacon, on a brioche bun & fries

Roast Salmon


Hollandaise sauce, green beans & potato galette

Chef Selection

Tagliatelle Pesto Chicken


Roasted Mediterranean vegetables, tomato and herb sauce

Confit de Canard


Duck confit, white bean & ham cassoulet, wilted spinach

Roasted Steak Roulade


Mint parsley with apple cider vinegar, salt, sugar & spices



Marinated tomatoes, fragrant curry, tamarillo

Lobster & Cucumber Soup


Lobster salad, smoked onion, rock samphire & sorrel


Pea & Mint Soup


Server with focaccia bread

Beef Meatballs


In a spicy tomato sauce

Hummus & Baba Ganoush Dip


Olive & grilled flatbread


Dark Chocolate & Brownie Delice


Fudge bits & salted caramel ice cream


Berry Cheesecake Trifle


Fresh raspberries & strawberries, sable cookie

Caramelised Lemon Tart


Meringue crisps, gin & tonic ice cream

Main Course

The Classic Burger


Chargrilled, with or without bacon, on a brioche bun & fries

Roast Salmon


Hollandaise sauce, green beans & potato galette

Chef Selection

Tagliatelle Pesto Chicken


Roasted Mediterranean vegetables, tomato and herb sauce

Confit de Canard


Duck confit, white bean & ham cassoulet, wilted spinach

Roasted Steak Roulade


Mint parsley with apple cider vinegar, salt, sugar & spices



Marinated tomatoes, fragrant curry, tamarillo

Lobster & Cucumber Soup


Lobster salad, smoked onion, rock samphire & sorrel

🇬🇧🇺🇸 The “stewed beef”

And here we are again with “our” new recipe! The “stewed beef” is a traditional second dish of many Italian regions, but which is very popular in the Roman cuisine especially in winter.

Fragrant and tasty, very aromatic and hearty! Its great goodness requires few ingredients and a bit of patience because of its long cooking (no shortcuts with the pressure cooker, please 😊)

In the past it used to be the Sunday’s main course for many families served with some past seasoned with its sauce. And..the next day any leftovers heated in a pan were even better!

We present it here, in the execution, but also in the creativity, of the chef and friend Marco Palmieri. We wish to thank him again for helping us publicize the goodness of the traditional dishes of our city.

Chef selection – MAIN COURSE PACKAGE
€450 € 300

* 3 weeks intensive online course OR
* 12 weeks part time online course OR
* 2 weeks intensive course in Italy

This package will make you save up to 150€ and it will make your partner, your parents or your sons very happy.
Moreover the enrollment fee is discounted (from € 70) to € 30

Because they deserve it