Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ®

A language travel vacation in Italy presents to you the possibility of having an intensive look at the Italian language and culture.
Below you will find some useful indications about how to organise your language travel vacation and study holidays in Italy.

Preparing for your study travel / Italian language holidays

If you need a visa to extend your stay for more than 90 days you should apply for a Type D (student) visa. Schools will provide you, after enrollment and payment of the total tuition fee, with a certificate of enrollment for your visa application. For more details, please check vistoperitalia.esteri.it/
The Italian Legislation demand from every student who needs a visa for coming to Italy or wants to remain in Italy more than three months, to apply at least eight days after arrival in Italy for a Residence Permit (Permesso di Soggiorno) at the local police (Questura, Ufficio Stranieri).


During your study holidays at one of our Italian language schools you need to be insured against illness and accidents. Students from non-EU countries must enquire with the authorities in their countries to know if they are insured during a stay abroad; if they are not covered, they should arrange health insurance to cover their stay in Italy.
Citizens from European Union countries are entitled to free medical care in Italy if they hold an EHIC-Card form which can be obtained from their local health authority in their home country before departing for Italy.
Moreover, participants are advised to insure against loss of fees due to non-arrival, absence or unexpected termination of their course.


By train: There are several night- and Eurocity-day-connections with Italy. People under 26 years may receive special discounts. Reservations for sleeping car or couchettes should be made as early as possible. Siena is connected with Florence and Rome by a public bus or by train.

By car: All of our language course locations are conveniently located on the national motorways; paid parking in garages is usually available near our schools.

By air: Our Italian language schools in Florence and Siena can be reached from the airports in Florence, Pisa and Rome-Fiumicino. The language school in Rome is easily reached from Fiumicino airport, and our language school in Milan can be reached from the airports in Milan and Bergamo.

Italian tourist centers abroad

Already before starting your language travel vacation you can ask for information and brochure at the Italian Tourist Center (ENIT):

New York: (212) 245-5618 / 245-4822
Chicago: (312) 644-0996
Los Angeles: (310) 820-1898

Sydney: (2) 92 621 666

Toronto: (416) 925-4882

United Kingdom:
London: (207) 3993-564

Please have a look at the ENIT web site for searching the Italian Tourist Center next to you.
For a list of tourist offices in Florence and Siena please have a look here: tourist offices in Florence - tourist offices in Milan - Tourist offices in Rome - tourist offices in Siena.

If you would like to receive more information for planning your Italian language travel vacation and study holidays in Italy, please, contact us at any time. If you desire we also send you our latest brochure by mail.


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  • Information center: +39 055 290305

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Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has won the ST Star Awards as best Italian Language School in Italy