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Find our Bank details below:

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Florence
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, via Vecchietti 11, 50123 Firenze
    Account number: 5283690
    In favour of: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci srl, Firenze
    BIC (ex Swift code): UNCRITM1F86
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT76B02008 02837000005283690

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Milan
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 000104675999
    In favour of: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Milano srl
    Swift code: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT28K02008 05075000104675999

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Rome
    Bank: Banca UniCredit Banca, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 104676276
    In favour of: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Roma srl
    BIC: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT74Y0200805075000104676276

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Turin
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 00000106109598
    BIC/SWIFT code: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT62T0200805075000106109598

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Viareggio
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 000106136110
    In favour of: Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini srl
    BIC/SWIFT code: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT58J0200805075000106136110
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De student kan op ieder moment, en in overeenstemming met de Italiaanse wet (Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), vragen zijn persoonlijke gegevens te verwijderen uit de gegevensdatabank van de school.


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  • Informatiekantoor: +39 055 290305

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Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has won the ST Star Awards as best Italian Language School in Italy