
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® - Firenze, Milano, Roma, Turin, Viareggio:
Condizioni Generali di Partecipazione - valid from 2020

HIGHLIGHT - COVID-19 –Terms of mitigating factors: change/booking cancellation and refund

As is well known, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the COVID-19 epidemic a world pandemic.

Therefore, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® changed its General Conditions of Enrolment (see especially articles 1.2., 2.2., 2.3, 5, 6 and 7), introducing new terms for cancelling/changing bookings, and reviewing the refund policy for so-called cases of force majeure.

The above conditions may be subject to further changes as the Covid-19 pandemic develops, implementing any measures which governments around the world may take to slow down the spread of the virus: please therefore check for any updates on this published on the home page of the website of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci® - Florence, Milan, Rome, Turin, Viareggio.


Overview of the terms in case of force majeure

A partial refund will be granted if the School receives the request for cancellation in writing, by registered mail or email, at least 15 days before the beginning of each course chosen: cancellations which reach us later (i.e. from the 14th day before the beginning of the course on) will be considered to be “no show”, and the School will therefore be entitled to withhold, as a penalty, the whole amount paid out, or to demand that the missing part be paid, as the case may be.

Please bear in mind that any student needing an entry visa to Italy must follow the instructions in art. 5 of the General Conditions of Enrolment, and must be sure to apply for the Visa in time to get it before the beginning of the course, promptly advising the School by email of any delay or rejection, to agree on a new beginning date for the course/courses, compared to the one originally booked. Turning up after the expected date, unless preceded by the above information, will be considered a no show.
In case of annulment/cancellation of the booking due to failure to obtain the Visa, whatever the reason for such rejection, the School will refund the amount paid for each course chosen, after receiving a copy of the letter of rejection of the Visa, issued by the Italian Authority (Embassy or Consulate), withholding an administrative tax of 200.00 euro plus the confirmation deposit for each course which has been booked.

The School reserves the right to change how it delivers the service, organising online lessons, as laid down in art. 3 of the General Conditions of Enrolment.

The School may withdraw at any time, without any liability towards the student, should it not be able to provide in full the chosen course for reasons not under its reasonable control: in this case the School will not be liable for any costs incurred by or on behalf of the student (by way of example and not limitation, medical costs due to Covid-19 infection, accommodation and repatriation) but will communicate to the latter the cancellation of each course providing the latter with an opportunity to choose, no later than 15 days after receiving such notice, between:

a) should the course originally chosen be on-site, the activation of a similar on-line course as provided for under art. 3 of the General Conditions of Enrolment;

b)in any case, the delivery of a voucher for receiving a similar service, to be used within 24 months after being issued, and after agreeing with the School on the new educational calendar.

Should the original payment in favour of the School have been made by bank transfer, the refund will be paid using the same banking data.



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Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has won the ST Star Awards as best Italian Language School in Italy