
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ® - École d'italien en Italie

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ® - École d'italien en Italie

Apprendre l'italien en Italie, à Florence, Milan, Rome, Turin et Viareggio
Autorisation officielle du Ministère de l'Éducation italien

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ®
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Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Ce champ est obligatoire

Ce champ est obligatoire

Ce champ est obligatoire

-- Valore non valido

Ce champ est obligatoire

Ce champ est obligatoire

Ce champ est obligatoire

Ce champ est obligatoire

Ce champ est obligatoire

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Ce champ est obligatoire

Valore non valido

Ce champ est obligatoire

Ce champ est obligatoire

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Ce champ est obligatoire

Ce champ est obligatoire

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

(A1/A2... = niveaux d'aptitude établis par rapport à la grille d'évaluation du Portfolio Européen des Langues)

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Ce champ est obligatoire

We'll soon send over the payment instructions

Find our Bank details below:

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Florence
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, via Vecchietti 11, 50123 Firenze
    Account number: 5283690
    In favour of: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci srl, Firenze
    BIC (ex Swift code): UNCRITM1F86
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT76B02008 02837000005283690

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Milan
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 000104675999
    In favour of: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Milano srl
    Swift code: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT28K02008 05075000104675999

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Rome
    Bank: Banca UniCredit Banca, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 104676276
    In favour of: Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Roma srl
    BIC: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT74Y0200805075000104676276

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Turin
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 00000106109598
    BIC/SWIFT code: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT62T0200805075000106109598

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Viareggio
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 000106136110
    In favour of: Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini srl
    BIC/SWIFT code: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT58J0200805075000106136110
Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Please accept the "General Conditions of Participation of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci"

Please accept the "General Conditions of Participation of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci"


Consentement pour le traitement des données personnelles: tous les renseignements personnels fournis par l'utilisateur seront traitès en conformitè avec les termes et les procèdures visès à notre politique de confidentialitè et dans le respect des Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Le participant autorise l'école Leonardo da Vinci à inclure ses données personnels dans une liste de courrier électronique, pour l'inscription. Le participant peut aussi recevoir, périodiquement, informations, annonces publicitaires, ou materiel promotionnel. Le participant peut, à tout moment, selon la loi italienne (art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), solliciter l'effacement de ses données personnels de la liste du courrier e l'école, en envoyant une demande écrite par courrier électronique, par fax ou par courrier.


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Nous contacter

L'école met à votre disposition toutes les informations nécessaires en ligne, mais nous répondons également à toutes vos questions et nous pouvons vous faire parvenir notre brochure si nécessaire.

  • Bureau d'informations : +39 055 290305


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Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has won the ST Star Awards as best Italian Language School in Italy