
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ® - イタリア語学校

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ® - イタリア語学校



Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ®
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スクオーラ・レオナルド・ダヴィンチへようこそ!イタリア語コースのお申込みは、こちらの申込フォーム、最後のページまでご記入ください。 もし、オンラインコース(インテンシブ、パートタイム、プライベート)をご希望の場合は、オンラインコース専用の申込フォームをご利用ください。

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido




-- Valore non valido






Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.


Valore non valido



Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.



Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

(A1/A2... = ヨーロッパ共通言語参照枠に基づくレベル分け)

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.


We'll soon send over the payment instructions


  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Florence
    Bank: UniCredit Banca, via Vecchietti 11, 50123 Firenze
    Account number: 5283690 in favour of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci srl, Firenze
    BIC (ex Swift code): UNCRITM1F86
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT76B 02008 02837 00000 5283690

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Milan
    Bank: Banca Unicredit, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 000104675999 in favour of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Milano srl
    Swift code: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT28 K 02008 05075 000104675999

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Roma
    Bank: Banca Unicredit, Piazza Barberini 40, 00187 Roma
    Account number: 104676276 in favour of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci Roma srl
    BIC: UNCRITM1037
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT74Y0200805075000104676276

  • Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Siena
    Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena, agenzia 1, via Scialoja 6r, 50136 Firenze
    Account number: 12575.09 in favour of Centro Linguistico Leonardo da Vinci srl, Siena
    Bank clearing number IBAN: IT59Q0103002801000001257509
Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Please tell us how big is your company.

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Valore non valido

Please accept the "General Conditions of Participation of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci"

Please accept the "General Conditions of Participation of Scuola Leonardo da Vinci"


イタリア法Art. 13 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)に基づいています。: Scuola Leonardoのポリシーに沿って個人情報を厳重に取り扱います。 個人情報を入学申込みリストに登録させて頂きます。登録後、一定期間、学校の情報を送らせて頂くことに使用させていただく場合もあります。



  • 【マーケティング室(フィレンツェ)】
  • TEL +39 055 290305


  • 【日本窓口(東京)】






ST Star Awardsイタリア語学校 を受賞しました!